Pennsylvania Parents Protecting Children

Pennsylvania Parents Protecting Children believes that parents and legal guardians have the right to safeguard their children’s health. We believe the masking of school age children poses a significant risk to their health, psychological development, and learning. 

Our group formed  during the pandemic in Fall 2020 when we realized that schools had no intention of lifting mandates for children who were forced to wear masks all day, social distance away from their friends, and the threat of remote learning which has caused significant learning losses.

At first, we organized zoom meetings with parents to strategize on how to fight the mandates both at the state level and in our school district. We held webinars and featured speakers, such as Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, and experts in right-to-know law and school board politics.

Our original website was built for the purpose of getting information out to parents that was censored by social media and tech giants. During the pandemic the US government worked with social media sites to suppress truthful information about C0\/1D. Many groups and pages we worked with were shut down multiple times by Facebook and we constantly battled their so called "fact checkers" as they tried to label our posts as "misinformation".  While building the site we had the idea to create electronic petitions for school districts so that parents could use it as a tool to organize and lobby their school boards. Each petition was managed by a “petition manager” who was the leader in each district. We hosted petitions for more than 160 school districts in Pennsylvania, many of which were used to help influence school districts in their reopening decisions in the Spring of 2021. We were also able to help district leaders leverage their email lists to spread the word about attending school board meetings. These tools helped empower parents to fight against school boards who imposed mask mandates in line with former Governor Tom Wolf's unlawful masking orders on children. 

After many grassroots wins in various school districts at the end of the 2021 school year, masks suddenly made a comeback at the end of the summer from an edict by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. We quickly organized with various statewide groups such as FreePA, ReOpen Bucks, Moms For Liberty, Health Freedom Pennsylvania and PA Coalition for Informed Consent (PCIC). PPPC was featured at the Worldwide Freedom Rally in Harrisburg and organized a follow up rally on the capitol steps with State Representatives who shared our mission.

Our goal was to start lawsuits to help end mask mandates. We contacted and met with several attorneys, but most were not optimistic about winning such a case. We eventually met attorney Chadwick Schnee who helped various parents file lawsuits against their school districts. Through crowdfunding, PPPC has raised over $50,000 to help fund cases against mask mandates in schools. We contributed to the 2021 case against the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health that was argued in the Commonwealth Court and the Supreme Court. This case was ruled “illegal from the beginning  We again helped fund a 2022 case against the Pennsylvania Secretary of Education which was argued in Commonwealth Court. 

Our Facebook Group has grown to over 8,000 members.  Our community helps share information about issues that impact children across Pennsylvania and around the country. Our goal is to educate parents to fight against medical mandates, woke curriculum, and corrupt government officials.

Thank you to all of the parents who helped contributed to our legal efforts and who continue to fight for the children. 

Thank you to all of the patriots who led the charge in your district and organized against tyranny!

We are so grateful to have worked alongside such amazing people!